Blabbi is a creative twist on crosswords games where players come up with outrageous made-up words based on topic cards and present their definitions to the other players, who’ll then vote if their pitches sound gold or goof!
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Blabbi is a hilarious party word game using made-up words. Use crosswords to come up with made-up words with convincing definitions based on topic cards, then pitch them to your friends as if they're real. Everyone can then vote on if your word is believable or not. If the majority votes YES, then you keep your topic card and points assigned to it. If NO, players can ask questions about your word until they vote again. At the end of the game, the player with the most points wins!
Blabbi is best played with 3-8 players, but in our Casual Mode – you can play without scoring with 2+ players – just come up with a word and definition to impress the crowd. You could have teams of players come up with words together, or even tag in for guest words if a friend wants to jump in. Play however you like!
Blabbi is best for players 14+, but people of all ages can play if they have a bit of imagination.
Full Blabbi games usually take 30-60 minutes to play. Casual mode can be shorter or longer, depending on what everyone’s vibes are.
Not at all! The beauty of Blabbi is that it’s all about having the time of your life – there’s no rules to how to come up with your word and definition. Feel free to tap into what you’re best at: whether that’s wordplay, history, impressions, pop culture references, acting, or anything really. Find your strength and use that to sell your word in.
Our two biggest tips are to 1. think of something that sounds like a real word 2. read your audience.The easiest way to come up with a word is put together something that sounds like a real word, and then misspelling it or combining it with another word. Next, pick one of your topic cards that you could find a loose connection to and continue from there.Secondly, Blabbi is a game of persuasion. The best way to win the crowd is to know what your audience responds best to. Are they a logical crowd that likes realistic etymology or history? Or are they a goofy crowd that loves a good pun or niche joke?
Don't fret! Blabbi is made for everyone – especially with our create-your-own-rules mode, which is designed to be catered to anyone who wants to play. Don't enjoy speaking? You can use a pen and paper to draw out your word instead! Check out the included rulebook to for new ideas on how to play.
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Blabbi was conceived and designed in New York City, USA and manufactured in Guangzhou, China.